Sign up to support me & access the ultimate plant database for personal or business use!

Plant ID Personal Gold Subscription
One time

Get anytime access to our growing collection of plant identification dossiers. Searchable and organised by useful categories this is the best way to access all the plant information you love. New ID's will be added every month!

✓ Access to my searchable database by Name and Key Features
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ New dossiers every month
✓ ID information is current and accurate
✓ Larger, detailed images available on phone or computer
Plant ID Business Partnership
Every year
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of images and information sheets for use on websites and online promotions.

✓ Use of images for business website and online promotions
✓ Create amazing social media content fast with my images
✓ Unlimited access and use whilst subscribed*
✓ Larger, detailed images available on phone or computer
✓ All other features included in Gold

identifier has finally got a database! Here’s what it means…

I have always wanted to share my dossier information with everyone in an organised, searchable way and I’ve finally been able to do so with this member site.

Is it the same as your Instagram posts?

Yes and no. The key differences are:

  1. This site will be searchable and plants will be categorised by a variety of elements such as; Location, Family, Genus, Flower Colour, Leaf Margin etc.

  2. This site is updated to keep information accurate and up-to-date with the latest changes in botany.

  3. This website has a much easier layout than instagram’s preset carousel style.

Why is there a Paywall?

To put this together I have spent my own savings and thousands of hours. This small fee helps me keep doing what I love and sharing this stuff with everyone! Your $13.99 supports me, everyone on Instagram and it provides you the ultimate access to dossiers and a database you will love.

Can I reference or use these for personal use?

Absolutely. Please reference each dossier according to the information found on its relevant page.

Can I use these for business use?

Yes, we have recently introduced online business use options! If you are interested in custom dossiers or images for your business, please contact us.

Still have Questions?